Contact Us

Please send us an email if you need help or phone us on 90 714 395


123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.

Other support groups

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Emergency Service: 000

Police - 08 9079 8999

Esperance Crisis Accommodation- 08 9071 4395

Hospital - 08 9079 8000



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BOICO - 08 9072 1072

Esperance Care Services - 08 9071 6310   website

Centrecare - 08 9083 2600   website

Department of Communities (Housing and Child Protection) - 62773844   website

DV Assist- website

Escare - 08 9071 3110   website

Esperance Population Health (community health)- 08 9071 0400

Financial Counselling- 90713101

Goldfields Legal Aid- 90211888

Legal Aid - 08 9025 1300   website

Victim Support Services- (08) 9071 6318

Women’s Legal Service- 08 90927 880



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1800Respect - 1800 737 732   website

Crisis Care - 1800 199 008   website

Kid’s Helpline - 1800 551 800   website

Men’s Dv Helpline -  1800 000 599  website

Women’s Dv Helpline -  1800 007 339   website

Lifeline - 13 11 14   website 

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